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3. Initialize the Iridium Database

Iridium needs specific data entities to exist for it to function. This guide demonstrates how to use the iridium CLI to execute this task. This document assumes you have downloaded and unpacked the binary distribution of Iridium in a previous step as detail here.

To initialize the database execute the following command. Again we are expecting you to be in the top level folder of expanded tar.gz distribution you downloaded and unpacked earlier. In this example we are passing the flag to allow users to register with the Iridium tenant using github by passing the flag --allow-github=true.

$ ./bin/iridium init \
  --host=localhost \
  --port=3306 \
  --user=root \
  --allow-github=true \

The CLI tool should prompt your for the database password. Enter the password you configured upon standing up the database.

$ Enter value for --password (the database password): 

Next the CLI will prompt for a Github Oauth application credentials. If you don't have a github application ready to use, you can follow the directions here to create one

Enter your Github OAuth application id

$ Enter value for github client id: my-client-id

Enter your Github OAuth application secret

$ Enter value for github client secret: my-client-secret

Upon successful execution of the command you'll see similar output

06:22:59.884 [main] INFO  software.iridium.cli.command.InitCommand - ########################################
06:22:59.884 [main] INFO  software.iridium.cli.command.InitCommand - Database successfully initialized
06:22:59.884 [main] INFO  software.iridium.cli.command.InitCommand - ########################################
06:22:59.884 [main] INFO  software.iridium.cli.command.InitCommand - Iridium Management Application ID is xd4rtddkthdfh234r
06:22:59.885 [main] INFO  software.iridium.cli.command.InitCommand - Be sure to place this in the appropriate environment.ts file

From here, you should be able to log in to the Iridium Management UI using your Github account. At this point you've stood up the system, with tenant for managing Iridium. At this point you can start to create your own tenant and applications in Iridium to be secured.