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Quickstart with Angular

This quickstart will show you how to secure an Angular application using Iridium.
First, you’ll need to navigate to to log in to the Iridium management UI.
You can choose GitHub or Google as your preferred provider. After authorizing the application you’ll be redirected back to the Iridium UI.

From here, select the “Create Tenant” button.

Create Tenant

When the modal appears you’ll need to enter a tenant name that is unique within the system and URL friendly.
This will be the subdomain value specific to your securing your users. For example, if the tenant name you choose is “my-tenant” then your users will be directed to to be logged in.

For environment, you can select “sandbox”.

Tenant Modal

Next, set up your login box.

Setup Login Box

We will configure the box to allow your users to use GitHub to log in to your application.
Select the “Add Provider” box to open the modal.

Add Provider

For the provider select “GitHub”. Fill out the fields with your GitHub application credentials

Add GitHub Provider

Next, we need to register your application for use within your tenant. Select “Application Management” from the side menu.

Navigate to Application Management

Select “Create Application”

Create Application

Add the following values to the modal that pops up.

Create Application Details

After the application is created, make sure to save the client ID for future reference.

Current Applications

Next, clone the Iridium Angular starter application and cd into the folder.

$ git clone
$ cd /iridium-angular-example

Open the environment.ts file for editing

$  vim src/app/environments/environment.ts

The environment.ts file should look like this:

export const environment = {
  production: false,
  iridium: {
    domain: '',
    redirectUri: 'http://localhost:4300/callback',
    errorPath: '/error'
  • Replace “ENTER_YOUR_TENANT_NAME_HERE” with the tenant name you created earlier
  • Replace “ENTER_YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE” with the application id generated earlier

Run your application

npm install && ng serve

Navigate to localhost:4300, select login in the top menu bar.

Login From Client App

You should be redirected to your personalized login domain. Select “Login With GitHub”

Login with GitHub

You’ll be redirected to GitHub. The view should show details specific to the application you registered with GitHub.

Authorize Your App

Select “Authorize ${your-github-name}” and you should be redirected back to your angular application with confirmation of successful authorization.

Successful Authorization

Congratulations, you have successfully registered and secured an application with Iridium!
This project is still in its early stages, we’d like you to join us.
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns (maybe a new framework client built for you) join the community in GitHub discussions here: